NIGHT TIME HOLIDAY x RALF! The Story, Process and Final Products!
NIGHT TIME HOLIDAY x RALF! A collection of Unique, Fun and Beautiful Bespoke Pet Tags that you won't find anywhere else.
When our Whippet, Ralf, joined us in Feb 2021 I knew I wanted to make him his own special tag. I had searched the internet far and wide for name tags with a bit of personality, that were still simple and beautiful, and came up with nothing. So I bought some sheet silver, a sterling silver split ring and stamps for lettering and made him his own Cloud (duh).
I didn’t pay too much mind to how much it cost me to make, as I figured it was something special that he would have forever (fast forward a few months and it fell off and got lost in a field, and then the replacement I made got broken when he fell off the sofa…) so when I had so many messages asking me to make them for the shop, I knew I had to have a think about how i really wanted them to be for you. I knew they needed to be durable, more affordable and have a true NTH style.
So I set about designing a range of shapes that I knew I would love and want to see, and chose a small amount to hand carve in wax and have cast in brass. This allows me to file and polish the shapes to get rid of uneven surfaces and unwanted textures before moulds are made - and allowed me to narrow down the shapes to just 3 (Frisbee unfortunately not pictured!)
From the moulds I get wax blanks, which can then be carved into or have initials added which gives it the crudely handwritten feel that a lot of my jewellery has, the loops are added in wax and the tag is cast as one solid piece which means no weak solder joints or breakable parts!

After a year of prototyping, failures and lessons, product testing and honing my skills, I'm so proud to be bringing these to the shop! For a full run down of the three designs available, customisation options and details - read this.
The first order slots will be open from Friday 20th May 7pm - Monday 23rd May!